The International Rare Disease Showcase
Tue, 01 Feb
Our Rare Disease Showcase Series, now in its sixth year, is a celebration of innovative rare disease projects across the UK, and far beyond.

Time & Location
01 Feb 2022, 10:00 – 03 Feb 2022, 20:00
About the Event
With the world gradually emerging from the pandemic, the importance of placing rare diseases on the global health agenda has never been greater. Equity of healthcare, inclusion, and the challenges of isolation are recognised as pressing issues worldwide, and are all challenges faced by those living with rare diseases on a daily basis.
While COVID-19 brought social isolation to many, it also opened up the world through digital meetings and connections – in this year’s showcase we want to highlight those international collaborations that are aiming to drive the field of rare diseases forward, as well as studying the differing impact and challenges of working in rare disease in different territories around the world.
Our International Showcase is designed to be a unique event, with interactive sessions taking place over a three-day period, including conversations on policy, patient advocacy, access and approval, new technologies, research, and data collection. Our online stage will include talks from across the rare disease spectrum, supplemented by roundtable discussions, networking sessions, one-to-one video chats, virtual exhibitions and more.
The Rare Disease Showcase is an event for everyone – whether patient group, clinician, pharmaceutical representative, consultant, researcher, or student – if you care about rare, then this is the event for you!