Following the successful 2021 Rare Diseases Access Initiative (RDAI) symposium, during which the Rare Diseases Framework document was adopted, the RDAI, in association with Rare Diseases South Africa (RDSA), will be hosting a further stakeholder workshop on the 27 October 2022.
The objective of this workshop is to invite each stakeholder to put forward proposals on how their constituency can contribute to the implementation of this Framework in South Africa.
As a valued stakeholder we would like to invite you to join us at this engagement opportunity.
key topics include
A Civil Society Perspective
Access to Service
The Funders Perspective
Access to Diagnostic Services
Sharing of a Best Practise Model: ACARE Centre
Co-ordinated Care
Stable internet connection
Smart device
Dr Nicholas Crisp
Deputy Director General
National Department of Health (NDoH)
Mark Heywood
Human Rights and
Social Justice Activist